We’re getting great feedback.
As time goes on and we get in to a bit more of a routine, each passing week more people benefit from spending time at The Milkwood Project, crafting and learning while getting the chance to talk and really open up, if they want to. Some of the feedback I had from one chap last week was that what we are doing together was the first positive thing to happen in his life for a long time. That alone makes it all very worth while.
There’s been more spoon carving and stool making. George has spent the last few sessions making quite a lovely little bench for his wife. Again we’re using traditional hand tools like the draw knife and rounding plane. George really enjoyed making good use of a spokeshave for rounding the edges of the piece of douglas fir slab wood(a term used for the waste cut from a log during the milling process). You can see him below using a cabinet scraper instead of sandpaper to make to top of his bench smooth after assembly.
We spent a couple if hours starting to build a drying shed for the timber I recently milled and will probably be finished and filled next week.